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9% of global electricity is generated from Nuclear

9.15 % Share of global electricity
12 gCO2eq/kWh Carbon Intensity

Nuclear energy is a potent form of low-carbon energy harnessed from the nuclei of atoms. At its core, nuclear energy involves the process of nuclear fission, where heavy atomic nuclei (such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239) are split into smaller parts, releasing enormous amounts of energy. This energy release occurs due to the transformation of a small amount of mass into energy, as described by Einstein's famous equation \(E=mc^2\). Nuclear energy is notable for its high energy density compared to other energy sources, meaning it can generate a substantial amount of energy from a small amount of fuel.

The generation of electricity from nuclear energy primarily occurs within nuclear power plants. These plants contain reactors where the controlled fission process takes place. The heat generated from fission is used to generate steam, which, in turn, drives turbines connected to electricity generators. This basic principle is quite similar to that of fossil fuel power plants, but without the significant carbon emissions associated with burning coal, oil, or gas. Modern nuclear reactors include various safety mechanisms and redundancy systems to ensure the process remains controlled and safe.

One of the most significant advantages of nuclear power is its low carbon intensity. Nuclear energy emits approximately 12 gCO2eq/kWh, which is remarkably low when compared to fossil fuels like coal (820 gCO2eq/kWh) and natural gas (490 gCO2eq/kWh). This places nuclear power in the same low-carbon league as wind (11 gCO2eq/kWh) and solar (45 gCO2eq/kWh). The low carbon footprint of nuclear energy makes it an excellent candidate for combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By integrating nuclear, wind, and solar power into the energy grid, we can significantly cut down the carbon footprint of electricity production.

Globally, nuclear energy plays a vital role in the electricity supply, generating around 9% of all electricity consumed. Several countries have embraced nuclear energy as a significant component of their electricity mix. In Finland, nuclear power accounts for 41% of the electricity consumed, while in France, a remarkable 65% of electricity is derived from nuclear sources. Sweden and South Korea also rely heavily on nuclear power, each generating almost a third of their electricity from this low-carbon source. Slovakia, another notable example, generates close to two-thirds (62%) of its electricity from nuclear. These examples show that nuclear energy can be scaled up significantly to supply large portions of a country's electricity needs, contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions and providing a stable, reliable power supply.

Another key advantage of nuclear energy is its ability to provide a stable and continuous power supply. Unlike wind and solar, which are intermittent by nature due to dependence on weather conditions, nuclear power plants can operate continuously, providing a consistent and reliable electricity supply. This reliability is essential for ensuring a stable electrical grid and meeting the constant demand for electricity. When used in conjunction with renewable sources like wind and solar, nuclear power can help balance the grid and ensure that clean energy is available even when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing.

In conclusion, nuclear energy stands out as a critical component of the low-carbon energy mix. It offers significant advantages in terms of low carbon intensity, high electricity generation capacity, and reliability. By supporting the expansion of nuclear, wind, and solar power, we can take substantial strides towards a sustainable, low-carbon future and mitigate the impacts of climate change and air pollution caused by fossil fuels.

Country/Region Watts / person % TWh
Finland 699.5 W 41.5% 33.9 TWh
France 593.8 W 65.3% 335.6 TWh
Sweden 527.9 W 29.1% 48.4 TWh
South Korea 397.5 W 29.2% 180.5 TWh
Slovakia 384.3 W 61.9% 18.3 TWh
Czechia 330.2 W 39.9% 30.4 TWh
Belgium 328.6 W 39.8% 33.4 TWh
Switzerland 317.7 W 34.0% 24.2 TWh
Slovenia 303.8 W 37.1% 5.6 TWh
Bulgaria 267.9 W 40.4% 16.2 TWh
Canada 266.3 W 14.1% 89.0 TWh
United States 262.6 W 18.2% 775.4 TWh
United Arab Emirates 245.1 W 13.1% 20.1 TWh
Hungary 187.2 W 33.9% 15.9 TWh
Russia 171.0 W 18.4% 217.4 TWh
Ukraine 162.8 W 55.1% 62.1 TWh
EU 158.7 W 22.7% 618.6 TWh
Spain 136.6 W 20.1% 56.8 TWh
Armenia 107.6 W 30.0% 2.6 TWh
Republic of China (Taiwan) 85.2 W 6.3% 17.8 TWh
Japan 71.0 W 7.6% 77.5 TWh
United Kingdom 70.1 W 13.0% 41.3 TWh
Romania 66.0 W 19.9% 11.2 TWh
Belarus 55.8 W 12.1% 4.7 TWh
The World 39.5 W 9.1% 2737.7 TWh
People's Republic of China 34.8 W 4.6% 434.7 TWh
Netherlands 26.0 W 3.3% 4.0 TWh
Argentina 22.6 W 5.4% 8.9 TWh
South Africa 17.1 W 4.0% 8.9 TWh
Germany 12.0 W 1.7% 8.8 TWh
Mexico 11.1 W 3.5% 12.3 TWh
Pakistan 11.1 W 13.9% 22.4 TWh
Iran 8.5 W 1.8% 6.6 TWh
Brazil 7.7 W 2.0% 14.5 TWh
India 3.9 W 2.5% 48.2 TWh
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