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Electricity in Sweden in 2023

Global Ranking: #3
98.3% #7 Low-carbon electricity
81.20 % #4 Electrification
1814.34 watts #8 Generation / person
43.59 gCO2eq/kWh #7 Carbon Intensity

Sweden is a global leader in low-carbon electricity, with over 98% of its electricity coming from clean sources in 2023. Hydropower, which constitutes almost 40% of the electricity mix, is the largest contributor. Nuclear energy follows closely, accounting for nearly 30%, while wind power adds over 20%. Biofuels also play a role, providing about 7%. Solar energy, though generating close to none at 1.5%, still contributes to the mix. Fossil fuels make up the remaining 1.75%, highlighting Sweden’s significant achievement in maintaining a predominantly low-carbon electricity system. Additionally, Sweden's ability to export electricity helps neighboring countries reduce their own carbon emissions. However, the next substantial challenge lies in electrifying other sectors like transport, heating, and industry, which necessitates a greater supply of electricity.


To meet the growing demand for electricity as Sweden aims to electrify more sectors, the country can expand its existing low-carbon energy sources. Priority should be given to increasing nuclear and wind energy production because they are already substantial contributors to Sweden's electricity generation. Expanding nuclear energy facilities will ensure a steady and reliable supply of electricity, critical for maintaining energy security and supporting industrial needs. Simultaneously, accelerating the deployment of wind energy projects, especially offshore wind farms, can provide a significant boost to clean electricity generation. Solar power can also be scaled up to further diversify Sweden’s low-carbon electricity portfolio, although its current contribution is smaller.


The history of low-carbon electricity in Sweden demonstrates significant advancements, especially in nuclear and hydropower. In the early 1980s, nuclear capacity surged, exemplified by an increase of about 11 TWh in 1981 and 1986. The 1990s saw fluctuations in both nuclear and hydro power. Notable drops in nuclear electricity, such as in 1992 and 2000, were counterbalanced by substantial increases in other periods, such as 1994 and 2001. Hydropower exhibited similar variability, with significant declines in 1994 and the mid-1990s, followed by recovery periods. More recently, hydro saw growth in specific years like 2012 and 2015, but also experienced some declines. There were declines in nuclear output, particularly in 2009 and 2020, which highlight the need for a robust strategy to maintain and expand nuclear capabilities to secure a sustainable low-carbon future.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Maximum Imports

Data Sources

For the years 1971 to 1989 the data sources are World Bank and IEA (imports/exports).
For the years 1990 to 2017 the data source is IEA.
For the years 2018 to 2019 the data sources are IEA and IEA (imports/exports).
For the years 2020 to 2023 the data source is Ember.
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