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NaN% of global electricity is generated from Unspecified Renewables

NaN % Share of global electricity
[ 11, 230 ] gCO2eq/kWh Carbon Intensity

Unspecified-renewables refers to a category of clean, green, and sustainable energy sources whose detailed types are not specified. It covers all forms of low-carbon energy technologies, which could include wind, solar, and nuclear. Channeling the strength of natural elements and the power of advanced technology, unspecified-renewables represent a broad scope of innovative mechanisms to generate electric power.

Electricity from unspecified-renewables is generated using the principles inherent in each low-carbon energy source. Wind turbines transform the varying pressures in wind flows into rotation energy to generate electricity. Nuclear reactors sustain a series of controlled nuclear reactions that ultimately produce steam, powering turbines to generate electricity. Solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity using semiconductor materials. Just like their specified counterparts, unspecified-renewables benefit from advanced technology and smart power grids to optimize the generation and distribution of electricity.

A principal advantage of unspecified-renewables is their low carbon intensity. The carbon intensity of unspecified-renewables is between 11 and 230 gCO2eq/kWh, a remarkably lower amount when compared to fossil fuels such as gas (490 gCO2eq/kWh) and coal (820 gCO2eq/kWh). This low carbon emission signifies that the use of unspecified-renewables significantly reduces greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, contributing to the fight against climate change.

The global impact of unspecified-renewables, though still developing, exhibits a promising trend. They are currently generating a significant portion of all electricity consumed globally. Even though some countries like Norway are yet to implement this low-carbon energy source, several other countries have begun leveraging the potential of unspecified renewables. In Czechia, they contribute to 3% of the total electricity generated. Slovakia and Croatia have also tapped into this energy source, with these renewables making up 1% of their electricity generation. While the Republic of China (Taiwan) only generates 1% of its electricity from these resources, it represents an initial step towards a more sustainable, carbon-neutral energy future.

In conclusion, unspecified-renewables present an incredible opportunity for countries to transition towards a more sustainable, low-carbon energy future. With their low carbon intensity, they signify a bold step towards a cleaner, greener planet. They align strongly with the principles of wind, nuclear, and solar energy—integrating the strength of nature with the power of man-made technology to provide a sustainable electricity system. As global adoption continues and technology evolves, the positive impacts toward energy sustainability and the mitigation of climate change are sure to rise.

Country/Region Watts / person % TWh
Czechia 25.7 W 3.2% 2.4 TWh
Republic of China (Taiwan) 16.2 W 1.2% 3.4 TWh
Norway 9.1 W 0.3% 0.4 TWh
Slovakia 9.0 W 1.4% 0.4 TWh
Croatia 6.7 W 1.3% 0.2 TWh
Spain 1.7 W 0.3% 0.7 TWh
South Korea 1.3 W 0.1% 0.6 TWh
Germany 1.3 W 0.2% 1.0 TWh
EU 1.2 W 0.2% 4.8 TWh
Estonia 0.9 W 0.1% 0.0 TWh
Hungary 0.7 W 0.1% 0.1 TWh
Finland 0.4 W 0.0% 0.0 TWh
United Kingdom 0.0 W 0.0% 0.0 TWh
People's Republic of China 0.0 W 0.0% 0.0 TWh
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