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Electricity in Lithuania in 2023

Global Ranking: #58
33.4% #102 Low-carbon electricity
33.75 % #91 Electrification
521.89 watts #75 Generation / person
313.38 gCO2eq/kWh #69 Carbon Intensity

In 2023, Lithuania's electricity consumption profile shows a significant dependence on net imports, which account for more than half (56%) of the total electricity supply. Low-carbon energy sources contribute around a third (33%) of the electricity mix, with wind power being the leading contributor at nearly 20%. Other low-carbon sources include solar at 5%, biofuels at 5%, and hydropower at almost 4%. Fossil fuels, including gas and other fossil-based electricity, constitute roughly 15% of the total, demonstrating a noticeable yet lower footprint compared to the high proportion of clean energy sources and imports.


To increase its low-carbon electricity generation, Lithuania should consider expanding its already significant wind power infrastructure. The success stories from other countries offer valuable insights. For example, Denmark generates over half of its electricity from wind, indicating the potential for Lithuania to boost its wind capacity further. Additionally, the prominence of nuclear energy in countries such as Slovakia (62%) and Finland (41%) demonstrates the viability of nuclear power as a substantial clean electricity source. Lithuania could consider revisiting its nuclear capabilities to secure a stable and sustainable electricity supply while learning to harness wind energy more effectively from nations with similar climates.


Lithuania’s history with low-carbon electricity, especially nuclear energy, is marked by periods of growth and decline. During the late 1980s, Lithuania saw substantial increases in nuclear electricity generation, with notable increases of 3.6 TWh in 1988 and 3.8 TWh in 1989. However, the early 1990s experienced significant declines, such as a decrease of 2.4 TWh in both 1992 and 1993, followed by further reductions in the mid-90s. The turn of the century included fluctuations, with incremental growth from 1995 to 2002 but concluded with decreases again by 2005. Nuclear generation picked up modestly in 2007 and 2009, but wind energy recently saw an addition of 0.9 TWh in 2023, highlighting a newer trend towards diversifying low-carbon electricity sources.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Maximum Imports

Data Sources

For the years 1985 to 1989 the data source is Energy Institute.
For the years 1990 to 2019 the data source is IEA.
For the years 2020 to 2023 the data source is Ember.
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