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Electricity in Israel in 2022

Global Ranking: #123
9.9% #155 Low-carbon electricity
60.95 % #14 Electrification
973.65 watts #25 Generation / person
519.12 gCO2eq/kWh #146 Carbon Intensity

As of 2022, electricity consumption in Israel is predominantly reliant on fossil fuels, with these sources accounting for more than 90% of the total electricity generated. Natural gas is the major player among fossil fuels, contributing roughly 68%, while coal accounts for around 22%. In contrast, low-carbon or clean energy sources make up about 10% of Israel's electricity generation. Solar power is the most significant contributor within the low-carbon category, providing close to 10%, whereas contributions from other low-carbon sources like wind and biofuels are minimal or virtually nonexistent.


To increase its low-carbon electricity generation, Israel can learn from the successes of other countries that have significantly invested in nuclear and wind energy. France and Slovakia, for instance, generate more than half of their electricity from nuclear power, with shares of 65% and 62%, respectively. Implementing a robust nuclear program could similarly benefit Israel by providing a stable and substantial source of clean energy. Furthermore, Denmark's achievement of generating more than 50% of its electricity from wind demonstrates the potential of wind energy. Countries like Ireland and the United Kingdom also show that significant portions, about 30% and 26% respectively, of their electricity can come from wind. These examples highlight pathways Israel can adopt to diversify and expand its clean energy portfolio, reducing dependency on fossil fuels and advancing sustainability goals.


Looking back at Israel's history of low-carbon electricity, significant strides have been made especially in the last decade. There was a gradual increase in solar power generation from 2011 to 2015, starting with 0.1 TWh in 2011 and steadily rising to 0.4 TWh by 2014. This growth continued more robustly from 2016 onward, with notable jumps of 1 TWh in 2019 and 1.6 TWh in 2020. Wind energy also made a small entry in 2017, though its growth has been modest. While biofuels have consistently played a minimal role since 2009, the focus nevertheless seems promisingly aligned toward solar energy. The years from 2020 to 2022 saw the most substantial increases in solar power, indicating a positive trend towards expanding Israel's low-carbon electricity generation capabilities.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

For the years 1980 to 1984 the data sources are EIA and IEA (imports/exports).
For the years 1985 to 1989 the data sources are Energy Institute and IEA (imports/exports).
For the years 1990 to 1999 the data source is IEA.
For the years 2000 to 2007 the data source is Ember.
For the years 2008 to 2011 the data source is IEA.
For the years 2012 to 2016 the data source is Ember.
For the year 2017 the data source is IEA.
For the years 2018 to 2019 the data sources are IEA and IEA (imports/exports).
For the years 2020 to 2022 the data source is Ember.
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