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Electricity in Greenland in 2022

Global Ranking: #8
76.8% #32 Low-carbon electricity
1136.16 watts #18 Generation / person
170.48 gCO2eq/kWh #35 Carbon Intensity

In 2022, Greenland's electricity generation was dominated by low-carbon sources, with hydropower contributing more than three-quarters of the total electricity produced. Hydropower accounted for nearly 77% of the electricity mix, while fossil fuels made up just over 23%. This indicates a significant reliance on clean energy, although there's still a noticeable portion coming from fossil fuels that contribute to climate change and air pollution. The high percentage of hydropower highlights Greenland's commitment to sustainable energy, but there's room for improvement to reach a completely low-carbon electricity portfolio.


To further increase the share of low-carbon electricity, Greenland can look to examples set by other countries. For instance, Denmark's success in wind energy, generating over half of its electricity from wind, could serve as a model for Greenland, considering its geographical and climatic conditions suitable for wind power. Additionally, countries like France and Slovakia have successfully integrated nuclear power, with both generating over 60% of their electricity from nuclear energy. By exploring nuclear options alongside enhancements in wind energy, Greenland can further reduce its fossil fuel dependency and move towards a more stable and clean energy mix.


Historically, Greenland's hydropower sector has seen gradual changes. Between 2001 and 2008, there was no recorded increase in hydropower generation. The first notable increase came in 2009, with an addition of 0.1 TWh. Another increase of the same amount occurred in 2011. After a period of stagnation, another 0.1 TWh was added in 2020. However, there was a slight decline in 2022, with hydropower generation dropping by 0.1 TWh. These incremental changes suggest a steady, albeit slow, growth in hydropower development over the past decades. By examining this history, Greenland can identify opportunities to enhance its low-carbon infrastructure more aggressively moving forward.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

The the data source is Ember.
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