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Electricity in Fiji in 2022

Global Ranking: #71
59.6% #55 Low-carbon electricity
128.40 watts #148 Generation / person
286.95 gCO2eq/kWh #64 Carbon Intensity

As of 2022, Fiji's electricity consumption per person stood at around 116 watts, which is significantly below the global average of 432 watts per person. Low-carbon sources such as hydro and biofuels contribute to close to half of this electricity generation. Specifically, hydro contributed a significant portion, while biofuels contributed a smaller but notable share. Fossil fuels still make up the remaining half of the energy mix, relying heavily on diesel and other fossil sources. The low levels of electricity generation could have several consequences, including limited industrial growth, restricted access to modern amenities, and slower economic development. Additionally, reliance on fossil fuels can exacerbate climate change and local air pollution issues.


To increase low-carbon electricity generation, Fiji can look towards successful strategies employed by other countries. For instance, India has seen impressive growth in solar power, producing 113 TWh, which points towards the feasibility of large-scale solar projects in regions with abundant sunlight. Similarly, Brazil's significant wind generation of 96 TWh suggests that wind power could be effectively harnessed in Fiji given suitable wind conditions. Beyond wind and solar, nations such as France and South Korea have demonstrated the reliability and efficiency of nuclear energy as a major clean electricity source. Adopting a mix of these low-carbon technologies could help Fiji sustainably boost its electricity generation.


Historically, Fiji's journey in low-carbon electricity generation has seen slow but steady improvements. In the 1980s, incremental gains were made in hydroelectric power, starting with a 0.3 TWh increase in 1984. The 1990s and early 2000s continued this trend with minor annual increases, although occasional decreases were recorded, such as in 2003 and 2010. Biofuels entered the scene in 2000 with a modest 0.1 TWh addition, followed by another small increase in 2007. The recent years have seen more stability, with notable increments in hydro recorded in 2012, 2016, and 2018. This consistent yet gradual progress indicates a strong foundation that Fiji can build upon for future sustainable energy expansions.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

For the years 1980 to 1999 the data source is EIA.
For the years 2000 to 2022 the data source is Ember.
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