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Electricity in Montenegro in 2023

Global Ranking: #23
59.4% #56 Low-carbon electricity
68.73 % #7 Electrification
752.72 watts #43 Generation / person
341.17 gCO2eq/kWh #80 Carbon Intensity

In 2023, Montenegro's electricity consumption shows a promising trend towards low-carbon sources. More than half of the electricity, approximately 59%, comes from clean energy. The majority of this clean electricity is generated by hydropower, which accounts for more than half the total electricity generation at roughly 51%. Wind energy contributes nearly 8% to the low-carbon portfolio. However, Montenegro still relies heavily on fossil fuels, with coal making up about 39% of the electricity mix. Net imports constitute a negligible portion at around 1%.


To further increase low-carbon electricity generation, Montenegro can look to successful examples from other countries. France and Slovakia generate more than 60% of their electricity from nuclear power, illustrating the potential for significantly boosting low-carbon energy through nuclear expansion. Closer to Montenegro, Slovenia generates 37% of its electricity using nuclear power, showing that regional conditions may also favor nuclear development. Denmark exemplifies how wind energy can play a critical role, generating over half its electricity from this clean source. Learning from these countries, Montenegro could strategically invest in nuclear and further expand its wind energy infrastructure to shift more of its energy portfolio towards sustainable sources.


Montenegro's history of low-carbon electricity shows a significant focus on hydropower fluctuations over the past decades. Notably, the early 2010s saw both significant increases and decreases, with an increase of 1 TWh in 2013 followed by a large decline of 1.5 TWh in 2011. Wind energy has played a smaller but growing role, first contributing 0.1 TWh in 2017 and increasing slightly since then. More recently, 2018 was a notable year with a substantial increase of 1.1 TWh in hydropower. The overall trend indicates variability in hydro resources, suggesting that diversifying into more stable low-carbon sources like nuclear and wind could provide more consistent clean electricity production for Montenegro in the future.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Maximum Imports

Data Sources

The the data source is Ember.
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