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Electricity in Solomon Islands in 2022

Global Ranking: #203
0.0% #203 Low-carbon electricity
16.13 watts #194 Generation / person
655.00 gCO2eq/kWh #210 Carbon Intensity

In 2022, the Solomon Islands had a total electricity generation of almost 100 GWh, where close to 70% came from fossil fuels and roughly 30% from low-carbon sources, such as solar power. The overall electricity consumption in the Solomon Islands is quite low, averaging less than 12 watts per person, which is significantly lower than the global average of 432 watts per person. The limited electricity generation impacts various aspects of daily life and economic development, creating challenges in healthcare, education, and industry where reliable power is essential.


To boost low-carbon electricity generation, the Solomon Islands can look to successful countries as examples. Countries with abundant solar resources like India and Australia have significantly increased their solar power capacities, generating over 100 TWh and 45 TWh respectively. Investments in solar technology could be an excellent path for the Solomon Islands, given its ample sunlight. Additionally, countries like Brazil and Denmark have shown that successful wind power projects can be implemented even in regions with moderate wind resources, generating around 14 TWh and 19 TWh respectively. The Solomon Islands might learn from these examples to diversify their clean energy mix by investing in both solar and wind projects, potentially even considering nuclear technology as seen in remote or smaller regions like South Korea and Finland, which have benefited from its consistent and reliable power generation.


Historically, the Solomon Islands have made strides in adopting low-carbon energy sources. In the early 2000s, there was a gradual increase in solar power generation, with notable growth from minor contributions to around 10 GWh by 2010. In the last decade, the country saw a modest but steady rise in solar electricity generation, increasing by approximately 2-4 GWh annually. This momentum continued with further solar projects coming online in the mid-2010s, reflecting a commitment to expanding clean energy capacity. However, there have not been any significant declines in other low-carbon sources, implying a consistent or growing reliance on clean energy as part of the Solomon Islands' energy strategy. Continually advancing these efforts can help mitigate the environmental impacts associated with fossil fuels and improve energy security for the nation.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

The the data source is Ember.
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