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Electricity in Palestinian Territories in 2022

Global Ranking: #172
2.8% #178 Low-carbon electricity
169.67 watts #138 Generation / person
433.61 gCO2eq/kWh #111 Carbon Intensity

As of 2022, the Palestinian Territories have a significant dependency on imported electricity, with net imports accounting for around 6.7 TWh. More than half of this electricity is generated from fossil fuels, contributing to climate change and air pollution in the region. The usage of low-carbon energy sources like solar was almost negligible, producing close to none compared to other countries. This reliance on imported and fossil-fuel-based electricity places the Palestinian Territories well below the global average electricity consumption of 432 watts per person. Such low levels of domestic electricity generation can hamper economic development, limit technological advancements, and affect the quality of daily life for residents.


To increase low-carbon electricity generation, the Palestinian Territories can draw inspiration from successful examples worldwide. For instance, China's extensive wind (886 TWh) and solar (584 TWh) programs demonstrate the feasibility of large-scale clean energy infrastructure. Similarly, Germany has achieved notable success with wind energy generating 137 TWh. Countries like Brazil (96 TWh wind) and India (113 TWh solar) have also made significant strides, which shows that emerging economies can harness low-carbon power effectively. Adopting a combination of these strategies by investing in wind and solar farms can significantly boost clean electricity production in the Palestinian Territories. Additionally, exploring nuclear energy as part of a long-term strategy, akin to the USA (775 TWh) or France (336 TWh), could provide a stable and substantial green energy supply.


The historical data on low-carbon electricity generation in the Palestinian Territories reflects a modest and slow start. From 2015 to 2018, there was no observable increase in solar energy production. A slight improvement occurred in 2019 and 2020, with a small increase of 0.1 TWh each year. However, this progress stalled in 2021 and 2022, with no further increase in solar electricity generation. The stagnation in these years underscores the need for more robust policies and investments to sustain and grow a clean energy sector. Strengthening the focus on expanding solar and potentially exploring nuclear in the coming decades could significantly alter the Palestinian Territories' energy landscape for the better.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

The the data source is Ember.
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