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Electricity in Maldives in 2022

Global Ranking: #161
7.1% #161 Low-carbon electricity
186.07 watts #133 Generation / person
611.94 gCO2eq/kWh #176 Carbon Intensity

In 2022, the Maldives generated close to none of its electricity from low-carbon sources like wind, solar, or nuclear. The island nation predominantly relies on fossil fuels for its electricity needs. This dependency results in not only higher greenhouse gas emissions but also fluctuating costs due to the volatile prices of fossil fuels. Compared to the global average of 432 watts per person, the Maldives has a significantly lower electricity generation rate. The low levels of electricity generation can hinder economic development, limit access to technology, and affect the overall quality of life.


To increase its low-carbon electricity generation, the Maldives can look to successful countries for guidance. For instance, China and the United States have made great strides in solar and wind energy, with China generating 584 TWh and the United States producing 238 TWh through solar in 2022. Island nations similar to the Maldives, such as Japan, have also embraced solar energy, generating 97 TWh. The Maldives can harness its abundant sunlight to develop solar power infrastructure and perhaps explore offshore wind energy, given its geographical location. Learning from these countries, the Maldives can adopt modern technologies and policies to support the transition towards sustainable and environmentally friendly electricity generation.


Looking at the history of low-carbon electricity in the Maldives, it is clear that there has been no recorded progress in this area over the given years. From 2014 to 2022, there have been zero increases in solar electricity generation annually. This stagnation highlights the urgent need for the Maldives to explore and invest in low-carbon technologies to mitigate the environmental impacts of their current energy landscape. By doing so, the nation can move towards a more sustainable and resilient energy system for the future.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

The the data source is Ember.
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