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Electricity in Bermuda in 2020

Global Ranking: #214
0.0% #214 Low-carbon electricity
888.69 watts #33 Generation / person
655.00 gCO2eq/kWh #198 Carbon Intensity

In 2020, Bermuda's electricity generation was solely based on fossil fuels, with 100% of its electricity coming from these sources. This heavy reliance on fossil fuels stands in stark contrast to the global movement towards more sustainable and clean energy practices. Fossil fuel consumption for electricity is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, posing severe environmental and public health risks. Hence, the current state of Bermuda's electricity generation shows an urgent need for a shift towards low-carbon energy sources to mitigate climate change impacts and improve air quality.


Bermuda can significantly increase its low-carbon electricity generation by adopting strategies used by other successful countries. For instance, Denmark generates more than half of its electricity from wind power, demonstrating the potential of this energy source for island countries with strong wind resources. Uruguay, with 35% of its electricity from wind, offers another excellent case study relevant to Bermuda's size and geographical conditions. Additionally, the adoption of solar power, as seen in countries like Malta and Cyprus, both generating around 15% of their electricity from solar energy, could be beneficial for Bermuda, given its high potential for solar irradiance. The common theme among these countries is a robust policy framework and investment in clean energy infrastructure, which Bermuda can emulate to transition away from fossil fuels.


Historically, Bermuda has shown minimal activity in developing low-carbon electricity generation. The data does not report significant changes in the incorporation of low-carbon technology, suggesting that the country has consistently relied on fossil fuels over the decades. This historical context underscores the lack of initiatives to diversify energy sources and contrasts sharply with the progress seen in countries that have significantly advanced in clean energy adoption. The absence of nuclear energy development, which has been a key factor for many countries to lower carbon emissions from electricity, further highlights Bermuda's untapped potential in diversifying its energy mix.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

The the data source is EIA.
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