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Electricity in Burundi in 2022

Global Ranking: #107
52.2% #71 Low-carbon electricity
4.18 watts #209 Generation / person
280.07 gCO2eq/kWh #59 Carbon Intensity

As of 2022, electricity consumption in Burundi is a challenging issue with close to none of the population having access to it in a consistent and reliable manner. The electricity generation capacity in the country is significantly lower than the global average of 432 watts per person, which leads to substantial socioeconomic impacts. Nearly all of Burundi's electricity generation is derived from hydroelectric sources, with minimal to no contribution from other low-carbon or fossil fuel energy sources. The low levels of electricity generation inhibit industrial growth, limit access to modern healthcare and education, and hinder overall economic development.


To increase low-carbon electricity generation, Burundi can explore the deployment of solar and wind energy technologies. Observing global renewable energy leaders, China and India are excellent examples. China has made substantial investments in both wind (886 TWh) and solar (584 TWh), while India has also significantly expanded its capacity in solar (113 TWh) and wind (82 TWh). In Africa, learning from the wind energy success stories of South Africa (12 TWh) can guide Burundi towards harnessing its wind energy potential. Additionally, Burundi should consider investing in nuclear energy, which has proven to be a reliable low-carbon electricity source in countries like the United States (775 TWh), France (336 TWh), and South Korea (180 TWh).


Burundi's history of low-carbon electricity generation illustrates a heavy reliance on hydroelectric power with no significant changes from 1991 to 2018. The consistent hydro generation over these years suggests limited development and innovation in the energy sector. In 2019, there was a small increase of 0.1 TWh in hydroelectric generation, indicating some progress. The introduction of solar energy in 2016, though minimal, represents a diversification attempt in the country's energy mix. Moving forward, there is a clear opportunity for Burundi to build on these foundations by expanding into solar and wind energy, and by considering the development of a nuclear energy program. These steps could significantly bolster the country's electricity generation capacity while maintaining a low-carbon footprint.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

For the years 1990 to 1999 the data sources are EIA and Enerdata (imports/exports).
For the years 2000 to 2022 the data source is Ember.
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