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Electricity in Montserrat in 2022

Global Ranking: #211
0.0% #211 Low-carbon electricity
257.22 watts #118 Generation / person
655.00 gCO2eq/kWh #203 Carbon Intensity

In 2022, electricity consumption in Montserrat was significantly lower than the global average of 432 watts per person. Montserrat mainly relied on electricity generation from fossil fuels, making up almost all of its electricity production. The share of low-carbon or clean energy sources such as wind and solar power was close to none. This heavy dependence on fossil fuels not only contributes to climate change and air pollution but also makes the electricity supply less stable and more expensive, as fossil fuel prices can be volatile. The low levels of electricity generation in Montserrat can lead to limited access to modern amenities and deter economic growth, hindering improvements in overall quality of life.


To boost low-carbon electricity generation, Montserrat can learn from other countries that have successfully increased their share of clean energy. For instance, the People's Republic of China has significantly expanded its wind and solar capacities, generating 886 TWh from wind and 584 TWh from solar. Countries like Brazil and India, which have similar developing economic statuses, have also made substantial progress in wind and solar energy, with Brazil generating 96 TWh from wind and 52 TWh from solar, while India generates 82 TWh from wind and 113 TWh from solar. Implementing policies to promote wind and solar installations, investing in grid infrastructure, and perhaps exploring geothermal energy could be key strategies for Montserrat to follow the path of these exemplary nations.


Regarding the history of low-carbon electricity in Montserrat, changes have been modest over the years. There have been incremental increases in solar generation, especially noticeable in the last few years. In 2022, there was a notable increase in solar power generation, but earlier years saw negligible changes in both wind and solar energy production. The last decade has been more promising, with small but steady progress toward more sustainable energy sources. However, the gains have not been substantial enough to make a marked difference in the energy landscape, emphasizing the need for a more aggressive push towards low-carbon solutions. Montserrat has yet to explore nuclear energy, which could provide a stable and sustainable power source, as demonstrated by countries like France and South Korea.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

The the data source is Ember.
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