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Electricity in Guinea-Bissau in 2022

Global Ranking: #198
0.0% #198 Low-carbon electricity
4.43 watts #208 Generation / person
655.00 gCO2eq/kWh #211 Carbon Intensity

In 2022, Guinea-Bissau's electricity consumption was primarily dominated by fossil fuels. The total electricity generation was a minuscule 12 watts per person, well below the global average of 432 watts per person, indicating significant energy poverty. Nearly all of this electricity comes from fossil fuels, contributing heavily to climate change and air pollution, while the production of low-carbon electricity like solar, wind, and nuclear is close to none. These low levels of electricity generation suggest that many people lack access to basic services like lighting, heating, and modern communication, hindering social and economic development in the country.


To increase low-carbon electricity generation, Guinea-Bissau can look to examples from successful countries. For instance, India's solar power generation of 113 TWh offers insights on harnessing abundant sunlight, while Brazil's 96 TWh from wind energy shows the potential of leveraging wind resources. Furthermore, nuclear power can significantly contribute to a stable and sustainable grid as seen in countries like France (336 TWh) and the United States (775 TWh). Learning from these countries involves strategic investments in infrastructure, favorable policies, and incentives to attract clean energy projects. Creating partnerships with nations excelling in low-carbon technologies can also transfer critical knowledge and skills to Guinea-Bissau.


Examining the history of low-carbon electricity in Guinea-Bissau reveals minimal activity. The data shows that in recent decades, there have been no significant changes in electricity generation from wind, solar, or nuclear sources. Unlike many other nations that have experienced substantial growth in low-carbon power, Guinea-Bissau has not prioritized developing these green energy sectors. This absence of progress highlights the urgent need for proactive measures to incorporate low-carbon technologies into the national energy strategy, ensuring a sustainable and energy-secure future for its citizens.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

The the data source is Ember.
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