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Electricity in British Virgin Islands in 2022

Global Ranking: #213
0.0% #213 Low-carbon electricity
623.10 watts #60 Generation / person
655.00 gCO2eq/kWh #196 Carbon Intensity

As of 2022, all electricity generated in the British Virgin Islands comes from fossil fuels. This means that low-carbon or clean energy sources like nuclear, wind, and solar contribute close to none of the electricity mix in the region. Relying entirely on fossil fuels can have significant implications, including contributing to climate change and air pollution, underscoring the urgent need to transition towards more sustainable and low-carbon electricity generation.


To increase low-carbon electricity generation, the British Virgin Islands can look to countries that have successfully integrated such sources into their energy mix. France and Slovakia, for example, generate more than half of their electricity from nuclear power, showcasing its potential for substantial, reliable, and low-carbon energy. Denmark and Uruguay, which generate over half and a third of their electricity from wind, respectively, illustrate the viability of wind power in achieving a greener electricity grid. Given the climatic and geographical similarities, the British Virgin Islands could especially benefit from studying the wind power advancements in Denmark and the solar installations in countries like Yemen, where solar contributes a significant portion of the electricity mix.


Historically, the British Virgin Islands have seen little to no change in low-carbon electricity generation. Over the years, there have been no significant increases or decreases in nuclear, wind, or solar electricity generation, indicating a lack of development in these areas. This consistent reliance on fossil fuels suggests a pressing need for new policies and investments focused on clean energy to drive the transition towards a more sustainable energy future in the British Virgin Islands. By adopting and adapting successful strategies from other nations, the region can move towards a more resilient and low-carbon electricity system.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

The the data source is Ember.
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