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Électricité en Montserrat en 2021

Ranking Mondial: #192
0.0% #192 Électricité bas carbone
257.22 watts #117 Production par personne
655.00 gCO2eq/kWh #203 Intensité carbone

Unfortunately, there is no usable data available to generate the answer as per your instructions. Please provide relevant data about Montserrat's electricity consumption, low-carbon energy production stats of similar countries, and history of low-carbon electricity in Montserrat. It would be helpful to have information regarding Montserrat's total per capita electricity consumption, distribution of consumption between low-carbon and fossil energy, trends in low-carbon energy generation etc. Similarly, data about how similar countries have succeeded in low-carbon energy generation can serve as a model for Montserrat. The historical data for Montserrat would provide insights into how the country's low-carbon energy production has evolved over the years. As soon as I have these data, I would be able to generate the three paragraphs as instructed.



Importations et exportations d'électricité

Balance commerciale

Sources des données

La la source de données est Ember.
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